PartnerSurya.id – Profesional Solar Installer  Jasa Installasi PLTS Profesional

Over the years, we have a lot of happy customers who always come back to us for our professional Service

  • solar panel partnersurya

Beberapa tahun ini kami mendapatkan customer yang puas dengan servis kami dan kembali kepada kami.

We are proud to share with you some of our clients’ success stories. Each project is a result of a common effort and a joint team. We strongly believe that work in partnership is the best formula to hit the goal!

Kami juga dengan bangga menshare beberapa Cerita Sukses  dari Customer kami. Setiap Project adalah hasil dari dari tim dan dan usaha bersama. Kami percaya bahwa bekerja dalam Partnership adalah formula yang terbaik untuk mencapai tujuan!


  • 1. Residensial 3.5 kWp – Bekasi, JaBar

    2. Residensial 11.2 kWp – Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

    3. Residensial 2.1 kWp – Cilandak, Jakarta

    4. Residensial 14 kWp – Setiabudi, Jakarta

    5. Residensial 5 kWp Hybrid- Bali

    6. Residensial 10 kWp – Cengkareng, Jakarta

    8. Residensial 27 kWp – Pondok Indah, Jakarta


  • Industrial 369 kWp Hybrid – Morotai, SulSel

  • Cilegon Factory – 1,3 MW

  • Karawang Factory 3 MW

  • Purwakarta Factory 1,2 M 

  • Charoen Pokphan 
  • Lelco 
  • Tata Metal Lestari 

Commercial & Public Buildings

  • Trans Studio Makassar 2,6 MW
  • Charoen Pokphan 
  • Superindo
  • Mesjid




PartnerSurya.id – Your Profesional Solar EPC 

Over the years, we have a lot of happy Customers & Developers who always come back to us for our professional Service

  • solar panel partnersurya

Beberapa tahun ini kami mendapatkan customer yang puas dengan servis kami dan kembali kepada kami.

We are proud to share with you some of our clients’ success stories. Each project is a result of a common effort and a joint team. We strongly believe that work in partnership is the best formula to hit the goal!

Kami juga dengan bangga menshare beberapa Cerita Sukses  dari Customer kami. Setiap Project adalah hasil dari dari tim dan dan usaha bersama. Kami percaya bahwa bekerja dalam Partnership adalah formula yang terbaik untuk mencapai tujuan!



  • Industrial 369 kWp Hybrid – Morotai, SulSel

  • Cilegon Factory – 1,3 MW

  • Karawang Factory 3 MW

  • Purwakarta Factory 1,2 M 

  • Charoen Pokphan 
  • Lelco 
  • Tata Metal Lestari 
  • BCA KCU – 18 Lokasi 
  • Alvaboard 
  • Sauh Bahtera – Moya Tangerang
  • Asahimas Plant 
  • Japan Manufacture  – 2,1 MWP 

Commercial & Public Buildings

  • Trans Studio Makassar 2,6 MW
  • Charoen Pokphan 
  • Superindo 24 Lokasi 
  • Mesjid



  • 1. Residensial 3.5 kWp – Bekasi, JaBar

    2. Residensial 11.2 kWp – Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

    3. Residensial 2.1 kWp – Cilandak, Jakarta

    4. Residensial 14 kWp – Setiabudi, Jakarta

    5. Residensial 5 kWp Hybrid- Bali

    6. Residensial 10 kWp – Cengkareng, Jakarta

    8. Residensial 27 kWp – Pondok Indah, Jakarta


Sistem Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik di Masa Depan Energi dan Mobilitas

Schneider Electric sebagai pemimpin pasar dunia dengan >75000 poin muatan di 51 negara sejak tahap paling awal dari e-mobilitas

Berbagai kebutuhan disediakan sesuai segmen pasar dengan solusi manajemen energi. Seperti saat ini, Indonesia sedang menggencarkan kendaraan / mobil listrik termasuk Stasiun Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum (SPKLU).

Untuk memasuki era mobil listrik ini, EVlink Schneider menjadi pilihan tepat dengan berbagai jenis produk yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

EVlink Schneider
Fast Charging cepat di DC
Comply dengan semua EV yang dibutuhkan
Informasi tentang level baterai dan sisa waktu untuk mengisi penuh
Kemampuan untuk menggunakan pengisian daya stasiun bahkan untuk pengguna tidak terdaftar

Mengisi daya semalaman di AC
Energi terbatas tersedia – kemungkinan pemasangan 1 fase
Di kondominium,
– Tidak ada meteran listrik individu
– Faktur penyewa secara bulanan / triwulanan berdasarkan penggunaannya

Penggunaan di luar ruangan
Comply dengan semua EV yang dibutuhkan
Berbagai macam profil mengemudi
Perlu sharing energi di antara keduanya
Pengisian poin
Faktur bulanan karyawan
(manfaat dalam bentuk barang)

Penggunaan di luar ruangan
Comply dengan semua EV yang dibutuhkan
Fitur anti-vandalisme
Soket domestik (dalam kasus kabel tertentu tidak tersedia)
Kemampuan untuk menggunakan stasiun pengisian daya bahkan untuk pengguna yang tidak terdaftar

Perlu sistem back-end untuk dikelola
• hak akses &
• penagihan


Produk EVlink Schneider yang Kami Pasarkan 

EVlink Wallbox (AC)
EVlink SmartWallbox (AC)
EVlink Parking (AC)
EVlink 24KW DC Fast Charger


Apa Standar EV itu? 

Produsen mobil listrik mendorong untuk melangkah lebih jauh dari standar IEC

EVlink Charging Station

Produk yang andal, lebih pintar dan lebih kokoh

Layanan / Pemeliharaan aset premium Schneider
• Berorientasi pada standar masa depan

Sertifikasi / Tes / Kualitas
• Berbagai produk CB Skema UL bersertifikat dan IEC
• Soket stopkontak dan kabel diuji dengan SE siklus termo-mekanis yang diperkuat
• Lab Internal
• Bangku yang diuji EV terus menerus untuk memastikan interoperabilitas dengan evolusi mobil listrik
• Proses kualitas Schneider selama ini menawarkan kreasi

Dukungan Schneider
• Dukungan layanan pelanggan WW
• Jaringan terlatih
• Mitra / Pemasang

Premium Hijau Schneider
• Sesuai ROHS
• Mencapai kepatuhan
• EoLi: Proses Akhir Kehidupan
• Profil Lingkungan Produk


Hubungi kami untuk dapatkan penawaran harga EVlink menarik melalui email : 


Anda juga bisa menghubungi Customer Support kami :

Atau 24/7 Emergency Call :






Partnersurya is one of business unit in PT Sarana Energi Investama. Since 2020 our expert engineer start working in solar energy industry. Our team are qualified electrical and mechanical engineers who design, supply and do an installation for commercial solar panel and industrial solar panel. we share insights and benefits of solar power to businesses across the Indonesia. The solar PV panels we install are high yielding, very efficient and award-winning so our customers achieve the maximum production and returns from their solar installation. We provide one stop solution for our clients

Partnersurya merupakan salah satu unit bisnis di PT Sarana Energi Investama. Sejak 2020 insinyur ahli kami mulai bekerja di industri energi surya. Tim kami adalah insinyur listrik dan mekanik yang berkualitas yang merancang, memasok dan melakukan instalasi untuk panel surya komersial dan panel surya industri. kami berbagi wawasan dan manfaat tenaga surya untuk bisnis di seluruh Indonesia. Panel PV surya yang kami pasang memiliki hasil tinggi, sangat efisien, dan memenangkan penghargaan sehingga pelanggan kami mencapai produksi dan pengembalian maksimum dari instalasi surya mereka. Kami menyediakan solusi satu atap untuk klien kami



Divisi Solar Panel – PT SEI adalah Bisnis Unit  yang bergerak di bidang pemasangan system photovoltaic, yang meliputi :

    • Pemasangan inverter on grid
    • Pemasangan digital meter (export – import) oleh PLN
    • Pemasangan panel surya beserta struktur rangka
    • Penyambungan kabel antara komponen-komponen tersebut di atas
    • Evaluasi hasil pemasangan (kinerja) system photovoltaic

 Klik disini untuk menghubungi saya via WA :

Jika tidak ada respon , bisa menghubungi Customer Support Kami :

Atau 24/7 Emergency Call :

AIOTKU will envolve your Maintenance Department into a diffrent things. No more paper work. Every data submitted via QR Code. Take a look how it works.


Please Click Here 

Well, that video just explain 1 of 8 main submodule of Maintenance System. Do you want to try it? Visit AIOTKU Demo Learn more about AIOTKU Maintenance System on submodule list below.


AIOTKU Abnormality Report

AIOTKU Abnormality Data, Ticketing and Record.

How do you record and follow up “Abnormality” ? AIOTKU use QR Code to submit an Abnormallity Report.
AIOTKU has a complete system to handle Abnormality Report.

  • Start from QR Code gateway, simply install QR Code for each area/machine. Scan it once you find an abnormal condition.
  • Take a picture or upload your image using AIOTKU QR Code.
  • Foreman/admin will receive detail of Abnormality Report in Real time.
  • Foreman/admin set a PIC to fix the problem.
  • PIC will receive alert everyday untill the job has been closed.


Features Description Standard
Automatic Notification AIOTKU will tell Foreman/user if there are a new Abnormality Report Always Active
Ticketing Set up PIC or a Team to fix the abnormality Always Active
Progress Report Selected PIC or Team has access to reporting page that allow them to log any progress. Always Active
History Record Record closed issue. Limited on your harddisk or limited by user. Always Active


AIOTKU Trend Inspector

AIOTKU Checklist

AIOTKU Checklist submodule is a part of Preventive Maintenance Solutions. AIOTKU Checklist use QR Code as Gateway access, mobile device as paper replacement, Chat bot as schedule notification and AIOTKU has auto Summary and Report.

Features Description Standard
Automatic Scheduler AIOTKU will set a checklist loop schedule based on your setting. Example ABC-XYZ-0001 scheduled on 1 Descember 2019, and it has a loop every 20 days. So, AIOTKU will notice you on 20 Descember 2019 that you will receive ABC-XYZ-0001 job on tomorrow (21 Descember 2019) Notification at H-1 15:00 and H-0 07:00
QR Code Generator Generate the QR Code, print the QR code on this function. No limitation. But make sure to keep it low for your efficiency
Automatic Approval Check the standard of submitted checklist automatically. Checklist result that meet standard will go to archieve directly. While Abnormal checklist will be placed on “Abnormal Checklist” and it needs Foreman approval to close the issue Always active
Checklist Editor AIOTKU is an adjustable module. Checklist tagging and frequency setting are fully editable. You can create, edit and delete your checklist document, no 2nd tool software, only AIOTKU. There are 4 input type, image, YES/NO, text and decimal. Tag and Frequency based on request. No Form
Trend Inspector Inspect trend of checklist parameter Always Active, No Limit


AIOTKU Workorder

AIOTKU Workorder Scheduler

A distributed digital workorder. AIOTKU Workorder has almost same function with AIOTKU Checklist. AIOTKU workorder has a dynamic frequency that set based on last execution. The content of workorder is spare part usage and image. All approval process done by Foreman

Features Description Standard
Automatic Scheduler AIOTKU a checklist loop schedule based on your setting. Example ABC-XYZ-0001 scheduled on 1 Descember 2019, and it has a loop every 20 days. So, AIOTKU will notice you on 20 Descember 2019 that you will receive ABC-XYZ-0001 job on tomorrow (21 Descember 2019) Notification at H-1 15:00 and H-0 07:00
Workorder Editor AIOTKU is an adjustable module. All workorder are editable. You can create, edit and delete your document, no 2nd tool software, only AIOTKU. No Form
Workorder Result Calendar Inspect result of workorder in calendar view Always Active, No Limit


AIOTKU Downtime Log

AIOTKU Downtime Report

Real time Downtime report and follow up progress. AIOTKU record downtime to show how last problem had been solved!

Features Description Standard
Automatic Notification AIOTKU will make sure everything tracked by chatbot. Realtime Notification
QR Code based downtime log Access downtime data by QR Code, simply scan then read the detail. Show last 5


AIOTKU Drawing Data


Fast action requires fast access to required data. When your machine breakdown, scan the QR Code, and you can gain the manual book, drawing and other important file about your machine.

Features Description Standard
File Upload AIOTKU can save, show and link your file to specific QR Code. No more messy folder. File limit based on memory
File Approval AIOTKU will always ask Foreman, before saving a File from user. File limit based on memory
QR Code Shortcut Access specific file by scan a QR Code. Show all linked file


AIOTKU Part Setting

AIOTKU Part Data

Check your spare part inventory by QR Code. Spare part grouping and link to a QR Code.

Features Description Standard
Realtime Spare Part AIOTKU will check your ready to use spare part. Always Active
Part Notification AIOTKU will always notify you when a part reach minimum limit. On request
Realtime Spare part usage AIOTKU calculate all spare part usage!. Always Active



Calculate all of Checklist and Workorder. AIOTKU will show the score of each machine. Lower score means more problem.



AIOTKU Workshop

Calculate all of Checklist and Workorder. AIOTKU will show the score of each machine. Lower score means more problem.


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PT. SARANA ENERGI INVESTAMA menjual produk Cubicle Medium Voltage Schneider dan juga Trafo Distribusi PLN, Cubicle Incoming Outgoing, Trafo Schneider, Panel LVMDP, Panel Listrik, Trafo Standar PLN. Untuk penawaran dan permintaan, bisa langsung contac nomer yang tertera.

Protect sensitive electronics and equipment during power surges and blackouts with an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system from our extensive line including standby, line-interactive, and double-conversion models, with backup capacities ranging from 350 VA to 10,000 VA. Key features include sine wave output, energy-saving GreenPower UPS™ design, data-line protection, and power management software.

Catalogue & Brocure Download please CLICK HERE


Strategic focus and responsible innovation by CyberPower result in customer-friendly, industry-leading advances. Milestones include the following achievements.

CRN 2019 5-Star Rating

CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has recognized CyberPower with a 5-star rating in its 2019 Partner Program Guide. CRN’s annual guide identifies the strongest and most successful partner programs from top technology suppliers selling IT products and services through the IT channel. Their 5-Star rating recognizes companies which offer the best partnering elements 

Best UPS and Power Conditioning Vendor 2018

August 17, 2018 by CyberPower

CyberPower is the Silver Winner of the 2018 ChannelPro Readers’ Choice Award for Best UPS & Power Conditioning.

The ChannelPro Readers’ Choice Awards winners are chosen by readers of ChannelPro magazine and their website visitors. The ChannelPro Network provides IT consultants, VARs and MSP decision makers with business and technology information vital to their success in serving small to medium size business.

CRN 2018 Tech Innovator Finalist

August 2018

CyberPower Medical UPS was named a top finalist by CRN in the Power Management Technology category for the TECH INNOVATORS award. CyberPower Medical Grade UPS systems have been designed for use in hospitals and healthcare facilities. Each medical UPS is UL 60601-1 tested to provide standby power in patient-care settings and comes with hospital-grade plugs

Best UPS and Power Conditioning Vendor 2017

August 2017

CyberPower is the Bronze Winner of the 2017 ChannelPro Readers’ Choice Award for Best UPS & Power Conditioning. The ChannelPro Readers’ Choice Awards winners are chosen by readers of ChannelPro magazine and their website visitors. The ChannelPro Network provides IT consultants, VARs and MSP decision makers with business and technology information vital to their success 

Best UPS

September 2016

Named Best Uninterruptible Power Supply by PC Gamer (CP1500PFCLCD)

Best UPS and Power Conditioning Vendor 2016

July 2016

Earns Silver for Best UPS and Power Conditioning Vendor in ChannelPro-SMB 2016 Readers’ Choice Awards.

Best Uninterruptible Power Supply

June 2016

Named Best Uninterruptible Power Supply by The Wirecutter (CP685AVR)

Extended Product Warranty Coverage

March 2016

With the introduction of our new two year extended warranty, our customers can count on our commitment to their product satisfaction now and in the future.

Best UPS and Power Conditioning Vendor 2015

June 2015

Chosen as Silver Winner for Best UPS and Power Conditioning Vendor in ChannelPro–SMB’s 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards for the third consecutive year.

2015 Top 20 Infrastructure Provider

February 2015

Named among 20 Infrastructure Providers in the CRN 2015 Data Center 100 for the third consecutive year.

Best UPS and Power Conditioning Vendor

July 2014

Chosen as Silver Winner for Best UPS and Power Conditioning Vendor in ChannelPro–SMB’s 2014 Readers’ Choice Awards for the second consecutive year.

Preferred Vendor

June 2014

Partners with D&H Distributing to serve as a preferred vendor for the D&H Solutions Lab.

Kiosk Commander Launched

May 2014

Launches Kiosk Commander Software. This software keeps kiosks and other unattended systems operating by restarting the attached computer when necessary, maintaining efficient operation.

2014 Top 20 Infrastructure Provider

February 2014

Named among 20 Infrastructure Providers in the CRN 2014 Data Center 100 for the second consecutive year.

Top Partner

November 2013

Awarded  “Top Partner for Growth & Profitability” at the 2013 Zones Partner Summit.

2013 Best UPS and Power Conditioning Vendor

June 2013

Chosen as Silver Winner for Best UPS and Power Conditioning Vendor in ChannelPro–SMB’s 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards.

VMware Solution

March 2013

PowerPanel® Business Edition software achieves the VMware Ready™ designation from VMware Solution Exchange.

Top 20 Infrastructure Provider

January 2013

Listed among 20 Infrastructure Providers selected to the CRN 2013 Data Center 100. Joins the VMware Technology Alliance Partner Program.

Desktop FTTx

December 2012

Introduces an indoor line of Desktop FTTx DC power supply and battery backup units designed for interior use.

SMART Partner Program

November 2012

CyberPower enhances the SMART Partner Program by providing registered VARs with increased rebates and a broader support platform.

Hurricane Sandy Restoration

October 2012

After its destruction CyberPower introduces the Hurricane Sandy Restoration Rebate Program to assist SMART Partner Program members who reside in states affected by the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of 2012.

ENERGY STAR® Qualified

April 2012

Additional CyberPower UPS Systems are ENERGY STAR® qualified and available in the USA and Canada.

Smart App Sinewave Series

October 2011

Launches the Smart App Sinewave Series of UPS Systems. Features include advanced pure sine wave technology, removable LCD control panels, Active PFC compatibility, and patented GreenPower UPS™ circuitry.

Best Channel Product

August 2011

Wins the “Best Channel Product Award” from Business Solutions Magazine for the PFC Sinewave Series of UPS Systems.